
As the player, you take control of the star pitcher for the home team. When the outbreak begins, you spring into action helping to quickly organize the survivors trapped in the stadium.

Your primary objective is to defend the field and eliminate incoming zombies. You work with other players to strategize the best defense formations – where to station hitters with bats, fielders as lookouts, etc.

Between waves of attacks, you carefully scavenge equipment. Home plates, bat racks and overturned benches are repurposed as makeshift weapons and armor upgrades. Searching zombie corpses yields ammo like baseballs.

When zombies breach the walls, it’s time to battle! You swing for the fences, bashing skulls with your trustycomposite bat. Strangers become teammates as everyone fights back to back in a chaotic struggle for survival.

Between kills, you play support – throwing ammo/health packs to allies and reviving the fallen. Strategic calls help coordinate the group against the seemingly endless hordes.

As rounds pass and the undead numbers dwindle, you push further out from home base. Clearing the bleachers and outfield extends your safezone perimeter inch by brutal inch.

With a final showdown at the pitcher’s mound, you deliver the game-ending strike. Exhausted but victorious, the sun sets on your blood-soaked battlefield. 
The park stands zombie free – for now. Another day saved, thanks to your heroic efforts

>>>>Download the game here


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